Electroplated beaded wire saw_Industry Knowledge_news_ Z-lion Diamond Tools Group


Electroplated beaded wire saw

The electroplating wire saw is an electroplating method that fixes the diamond coating on the bead substrate. The benefits of this process are very obvious. The entire electroplating process does not require heating to complete the fixation of the diamond powder, and only the electroplating solution continuously forms new diamond coatings. , So that the diamond is perfectly fixed in the coating. Since the diamonds of this product are all exposed to the outside of the wire saw, during the cutting process, the diamond layer of the diamond wire saw mainly participates in the cutting process, so the cutting efficiency will be greatly improved. However, the shortcomings of this product are also obvious, because the diamonds are distributed on the surface of the beads, which will quickly consume the diamonds, thereby greatly shortening the cutting life. In terms of price, the price of electroplating process is much higher than that of sintered beads.

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