Underwater cut concrete removal_ Z-lion Diamond Tools Group


Underwater cut concrete removal

I. Preparation work before removal of underwater cutting concrete

1. Preparation work before underwater cutting: cutting positioning, laying out line → drilling process hole (lifting hole)→ pre-lifting → cutting → lifting and transporting coagulation block. (1) Access construction electricity and water to the construction site; The cutting equipment to do a comprehensive inspection again, and no load debugging; (3) Prepare the required equipment, small tools, materials, etc. (4) Safety and technical disclosure for operators.

2. The underwater concrete demolition is not limited by the construction site, environmental protection, construction period, safety reasons and other conditions, and has the advantages of not affecting the surrounding normal traffic, short construction period and high safety factor.

3. Underwater cutting to dismantle concrete is a very difficult construction, underwater cutting to dismantle drilling safety is very important, construction difficulty increases, in order to ensure quality and safety, this work is specially responsible for by the site.

Ii. Underwater cutting drive power device Cutting equipment

1. Underwater concrete cutting demolition, hydraulic rope saw cutting, is the use of hydraulic drive power device cutting equipment, can achieve a variety of thick concrete cutting. Is the reinforced concrete cutting demolition and repair work of the most suitable cutting construction equipment, dense row of reinforced concrete structures, thick brick walls, underwater cutting operations are competent; Wire saw cutting can satisfy hydraulic wall saw less than cutting depth, cutting operation depth is not restricted, reconstruction and reinforcement is applied to building construction of advanced engineering tools, as a kind of special cutting tools, suitable for reinforced concrete, rocks, ceramics, brick wall, the cutting of hard materials such as widely used in reinforced concrete beams and columns of cut, cutting slab Bridges, and On the wall door, window, opening tuyere, stone processing, etc.

2. Because of its linear cutting construction section can be more tidy, pace of work can be doubled to shorten the construction period, lower labor costs, improve the bidding advantages, expand the scale of the construction engineering, greatly reduces the loss cost of construction equipment, now is widely used in strengthening the company's transformation construction the dominant advanced cutting equipment.

3. Connect the two guide boats as a whole; As a roadway for the crown; A hanging beam that acts as a counterweight lifting point and an auxiliary lifting point. For the construction of the shipwreck into the water, there should be symmetrical sealed compartments to facilitate water sinking and inflatable buoyancy. The positioning ship can be made of iron barge or a combination of two wooden boats. When the iron barge is used as the positioning ship, there should be horse mouth, with funicular, double block, fixed seat and other equipment on the deck. When two wooden ships form a guide ship, if the two ships are not equal in height above the water, the wooden ships should be first ballast to make them equal in height, so that the deck surface of the two ships is a plane to be connected, and the Angle steel connected with the bracket should be on the keel or beam of the ship.

Three, the working principle of diamond rope saw machine

1. The basic working principle of diamond rope saw machine cutting pipeline: the hydraulic power source provides pressure oil for the hydraulic system, first of all, the clamping device fixed diamond beaded rope saw in the oil pipeline to be cut position, through the hydraulic system to make the tension device work, so that the beaded rope maintain a certain working tension; Then drive the feed device to work, to cut the oil pipeline. In the main motion system, the pressure oil drives the driving motor to rotate at high speed, and the motor drives the driving wheel to rotate at high speed, so that the tensioned diamond string rope circulates and realizes tangential feed movement along the pipeline. At the same time, in the feeding system, the low-speed motor used for feeding drives the lifting and lowering screw to rotate and drive the saw board frame to move in a straight line, so as to realize the beading rope is always in a tensioning state during the working process and ensure the tensioning force required for cutting.

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